Man kan sige, at ‘The Lunds’ blev dannet i 1984, hvor vi først boede på Niels Juels Vej i Helsingør og senere, nemlig i august, flyttede til Stengade i Helsingør.
I sommeren 1984 lejede vi iøvrigt i 3 uger en lejlighed i Bellaria, Italien, og medbragte Farmor og vores au pair Lotte. Skønne 3 uger, hvor vi bl.a besøgte Venedig
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You could say that ‘The Lunds’ were formed in 1984, when we first lived on Niels Juels Vej in Helsingør and later, namely in August, moved to Stengade in Helsingør.
In the summer of 1984, we rented an apartment in Bellaria, Italy for 3 weeks, and brought Grandma Lise and our au pair Lotte with us. Wonderful 3 weeks, during which we visited Venice, among other things